Upcoming Children’s Picture Book
This Little Light of Mine
For Children Who Are Afraid of the Dark
Does your child get anxious as bedtime approaches? Do they struggle with bad dreams or loss of sleep due to fear of the dark?
This Little Light of Mine is a children's Christian rhyming picture book based off of a true event the author experienced. With soothing, but interesting and detailed pictures, and NO monsters or scary things depicted. This story will give peace and assurance, revealing God's nature as a Fighter and a Warrior so when bad dreams come, and we are afraid... we can give that fear over to God and trust that He is strong enough to overcome whatever it is that is scaring us.
The battle is the Lord's.

They say write what you know... and boy, oh boy, do I know:
FEAR of the DARK!
Hi, I’m Miranda Markley, the author & illustrator of this upcoming children’s book.
This children’s book is very personal to me…
As a child with older siblings, I saw many scary things in video games and movies made for older kids, and struggled a lot with sleeping at night. Someone else needed to sleep in the room with me or I did not feel safe. I often would hide under my blanket to stop myself from imagining scary things in the dark.
As an adult, I was caught in a spiritual battle that gave me horrible nightmares and sleep paraylsis every night. I wasn't sure what to say or do. I kept thinking I was supposed to fight, I was supposed to say or do something in Jesus' name to make them go away... but I was not confident enough to speak and felt as if a piece of tape covered my mouth that I was unable to remove.
I prayed for God to protect me, I prayed for it to stop, but nothing was working...
Then, on the final night, I had a dream that startled me awake almost immediately after I had fallen asleep... and it pushed me over the edge.
I started to cry while laying in bed and started praying silently to God, saying: "I can't do this anymore!" And I shared with Him what was happening and why it was bothering me. But before I was able to finish another sentence, God asked me a question in a voice that sounded like HE was about to cry... it was so genuine.
He showed me by His quick interruption of my thoughts, that He couldn't wait to jump in and had been WAITING for me to STOP trying to fight this myself!
He simply asked:
"Why don't you ask me to fight them off for you?"
That question changed my whole perspective...
and after I prayed that prayer, the sleep paralysis was gone.
The next day, I asked God to "work on my dreams next," and every night from then on, it was like a piece of the darkness was taken out until there was none left.
Now, this isn't to say I never had a bad dream since then, as that would not be true, but in that time I was caught in a spiritual battle. It was more than just dreams... and God rescued me from it.
He was My Fighter.
With the help of this book, I hope to show your children that He is their Fighter too.
All artwork/sketches and content shown are works in progress and may not reflect the final book pages.